Akweya Orthography

Like her Idoma counterpart, Akweya language maintains all the 32 letters of the alphabet except the ‘V’ and ‘S’ which is common among only the southern Idoma. 

There are additional phonemes, however, which are mainly double or digraphs and triple or trigraphs that are purely Akweya due to the reasons of her peculiar eccentricities. This brings the Akweya alphabet to a total of 40 letters.

Aa                Bb                Gb               Dd               Ee                E­e     
Ff                 Gg               Hh               Ii                  Jj                  Kk    
Ll                 Mm              Mn               NGng           Oo               Pp
KPkp           Rr                Ss                Tt                 Uu               Ww   
Yy               CHch           GWgw         KWkw         NWnw         NMnm
DFdf            TFtf             GYgy          GWYgwy    KYky           KWYkwy   
WYwy         NWYnwy

By  Akpallah Okenyodo
(former Assistant Director, Benue State Ministry of Arts and Culture) Akweya History And Language Researcher, Ejor-Akpa, Otukpo LGA, Benue State, Nigeria

Akpallah Okenyodo, who developed the current Akweya orthography
Late Chief Akpallah Okenyodo (1940-2014)


  1. Anonymous12:24 pm

    The thirty first alphabet which is the voiced labio-dental alveola fricative should be written as 'dv' and not 'df'. I have read the original manuscript of Chief Akpallah Okenyodo's orthography and this phoneme is not consistent with what I read. The reason why this letter or sound should be written as 'dv' and not 'df' is because the diagragh is obviously voiced, and there is no way a voiceless and a voiced counterpart can coexist. We should not consciously expunge 'V' from Akweya orthography on the mere premise that we do not have a 'V' sound in Akweya language, even when it is obvious that it is introduced by proxy. I will explain further in article in akweya.com. Amed Okenyodo.

  2. please could examples be added to this?

  3. please could examples be added to show how the alphabets are used?

  4. Hunger is ingwye while cut is dvu and to drink is tfu. Eg, Kn imenyi atfu nana, ala dvu ingwye ele nach'ayim me agwuhi. That means, Even if I drink water, it cannot quench this hunger I'm feeling.

  5. Anonymous3:48 pm

    that's cool.


  7. These contributions are important indications of the possibility of developing the Akweya orthography beyond its incipient status. I use this opportunity to encourage Akweya students in tertiary institutions, particularly those in the humanities, to take up the challenge of doing studies in Akweya linguistics in Central Nigeria. This is very important because the current state of Akweya as a language presents with many of the symptoms of the languages in danger of extinction. We must make conscious efforts to fight this current trend. Studies, documentation, researches, reinvigoration of cultural ethos and festivals, the promotion of theatrical activities, among others, are ways the present generation of Akweya can help the future from crashing in on the future generation and those yet unborn. The history of every ethnic group in the world is written by the indigenes of that group. If you do not document your history then you will soon cease to exist. The instrument of documentation is LANGUAGE. When there is no language, then the people disappear. By God's grace, this will not be our lot. Professor Anyebe Ted Anyebe


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